By Brian Wawok



Nеw Brаnd Analytics ѕеаrсh dashboards

Amazon has launched two new search analytics tools for sellers that are enrolled in Brand Analytics. These tools provide valuable insight into the shopping habits of customers and the top keyword searches that are relevant to the brand.

The first one is called Search Performance, which shows the key shopping metrics such as cart ads, impressions, and clicks. The second one is called Search Query Performance, which shows the search volume and the number of people searching for the same keywords.

Prоduсt imаgе uрdаtе within ѕеаrсh rеѕultѕ

With the new update tools, sellers can now easily browse through their product images without having to click through to a product detail page. This is a huge advantage for as it shows customers are looking for high-quality images.

US Multi-Chаnnеl Fulfillmеnt fees uрdаtе

This year, Amazon has increased its fulfillment fees for multi-channel orders. This move is aimed at making it more competitive with other logistics providers. On August 1, 2022, additional fees apply to orders in Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska, and the US Virgin Islands.

New FBA ѕtоrаgе tуре: Extra-Large

In 2022, Amazon introduced a new storage type called Extra-large. This allows you to store larger items in your Amazon Fulfillment Services account. You’ll also have to set your quantity limits for oversize and extra-large items.

Brian Wawok

Brian is the Co-Founder of Listing Mirror.